Champions of Community Leadership and Vitality
Ball Brothers Foundation is a family foundation dedicated to the stewardship legacy of the Ball brothers and to the pursuit of improving the quality of life in Muncie, Delaware County, East Central Indiana, and Indiana through philanthropy and leadership.
For nearly 100 years, Ball Brothers Foundation has been proud to be a consistent champion of leadership and vitality within our community.
Our Areas of Focus
Arts, Culture, & Humanities
Public & Society Benefit
Human Services

How We Give
General & Rapid Grants
Ball Brothers Foundation offers two types of grants: General Grants and Rapid Grants. General Grants are awarded twice annually and are typically reserved for larger-scale projects. Rapid Grants are made for up to $5,000 and are available between February and November each year. The foundation only makes grants to Indiana-based nonprofits, government organizations, or schools. The foundation prefers to fund innovative approaches and specific initiatives.
Excellence in Teaching Award
The Excellence in Teaching Award is given annually in recognition of the values and spirit that were important to our foundation’s founders in regard to education and student achievement. This honor is given to not only a skilled teacher, but one who incorporates 21st-century skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration. The award includes a grant of $17,500 to be used to further support creativity, innovation, and professional development.
Fisher Governance Award
The John W. and Janice B. Fisher Governance Award annually recognizes the important role that board members play in the governance of nonprofit organizations serving citizens of Delaware County. It honors the efforts of a single board member whose strategic planning and oversight skills have contributed to the achievement of the organization’s mission, financial stability, and general effectiveness. The award includes a $10,000 grant to the recipient’s respective organization.
Prior to leaving office in January, former Governor Eric Holcomb presented Jud Fisher, President & CEO of Ball Brothers Foundation, with the Sagamore of the Wabash Award – one of Indiana’s highest honors. Indiana governors give the award to recognize individuals who have made a significant contribution to life in the state.