The Ball Brothers Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award is given annually in recognition of the values and spirit that were important to our foundation’s founders in regard to education and student achievement.
The Excellence in Teaching Award is given to not only a skilled teacher in Delaware County, but one who incorporates 21st-century skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration. This teacher uses unique approaches to motivate their students by creating authentic learning experiences that are grounded in core academic content. In addition, the outstanding teacher displays integrity; poise; responsibility to their community, students, colleagues and the school; accountability to their area of academic training; and a willingness to go the extra mile to educate their students. The award winner should inspire students and colleagues alike.
Award: The Excellence in Teaching Award of $20,500 will be presented as a grant to be used to further support creativity and innovation in the school district ($5,000), school ($5,000), and classroom ($5,000) of the winning teacher. A portion of the grant ($2,500) will be specifically used for professional development opportunities selected by the winning teacher. The other top 2 finalists will be awarded a grant of $1,500 to be used in their classroom ($1,000) and for professional development ($500).
How to nominate
Eligibility: Eligibility is limited to public school teachers in grades K-12 in Delaware County. Candidates must have a minimum of three years teaching experience, be fully accredited to teach in the state of Indiana, and be currently teaching in the classroom
Nominations must be submitted by the superintendent of a public school in Muncie/Delaware County. Each school district is permitted to submit up to three nominations with no more than one nomination each from the elementary, middle, and high school level.
Timeline: Nominations must follow Ball Brothers Foundation’s online application process. Nominations can be submitted through our online application process beginning January 1. All submissions must be made by 4 p.m. March 1.
Information regarding the winner and finalists will be released to the media before the award is presented. The winner will be selected in April and the award presented in May of each year.
Previous Recipients
Chris Horner
Muncie Area Career Center
Kira Zick
West View Elementary School
Ginger Thompson
Yorktown High School
Melissa Crist
Daleville Jr./Sr. High School
Stefanie Onieal
Burris Laboratory School
Erica Collins
Northside Middle School
Kristy Thompson
Wapahani High School
Chris Holdren
Selma Elementary School
Steve Spradlin
Northside Middle School
Renee Huffman
Burris Laboratory School
Julian Ravenscroft
Daleville Jr./Sr. High School
Holly Stachler
Pleasant View Elementary
Ambulance lights are flashing, radio traffic is on the scanner, and victims with minor and critical injuries are lying on the floor–it’s just another Monday morning for students in Chris Horner’s EMT and Fire/Rescue classes at the Muncie Area Career Center.