BBF has transitioned to a new online application system, GoApply. Please reach out to foundation staff if you have questions or need assistance.
Before applying for a grant, we encourage everyone to speak with a Ball Brothers Foundation staff member to discuss the potential project and determine if it is a good fit. To schedule a time to talk to a staff person, call the office at 765-741-5500 or email Susan Brumley.
The foundation recommends reviewing the questions and guidelines for each grant type prior to beginning your application. If you receive funding from Ball Brothers Foundation, you will be expected to submit a Final Report (this is also done through the GoApply system). The following guides provide more information:
Grant Deadlines
General Grants
Round 1 Preliminary Applications due February 15 Full proposals due April 1* |
  | Round 2 Preliminary Applications due July 15 Full proposals due September 1* |
*Preliminary Application must have been approved by the president/CEO
Rapid Grants
- Accepted February 1–November 30
Excellence in Teaching Award
- Nominations accepted January 1–March 1
Fisher Governance Award
- Nominations accepted March 1–August 15
All applications must be submitted no later than 4:00 p.m. on the deadline date.
Deadlines that fall on a holiday or weekend still apply.
Ready to Apply?
Before you begin the application process, make sure you review our final checklist to ensure you’re ready:
The proposal must clearly demonstrate linkages to the organization’s strategic plan
The focus must be on one of the Ball Brothers Foundation’s interest areas
The proposal has potential for immediate leveraging of other funds to support the project and demonstrates the likelihood of gaining further support from other sources once the original grants ends
The proposal must include a definitive process for measuring or assessing results
Organizations/institutions must have tax exempt status as defined by IRS Codes