What type of foundation is Ball Brothers Foundation?
Ball Brothers Foundation is likely the oldest private foundation in Indiana still led by members of its founding family. Our governing panel blends representatives from two generations of descendants of the Ball brothers with several regional business and civic leaders.
Ball Brothers Foundation is not affiliated with Ball Corporation, Ball State University, or Ball State University Foundation.
Who can apply for a Ball Brothers Foundation grant?
Ball Brothers Foundation makes grants only to nonprofits, government organizations, and schools operating within Indiana. An organization’s IRS nonprofit status will be verified prior to the awarding of funds.
Is Ball Brothers Foundation funding directed toward a specific geographical area in Indiana?
Historically, the vast majority of Ball Brothers Foundation funding has been targeted to organizations in East Central Indiana with a particular emphasis in the Muncie/Delaware County area. Other counties included in the geographical footprint are: Blackford County, Grant County, Henry County, Jay County, Madison County, and Randolph County. Some limited exceptions are occasionally made outside these areas, typically for projects that have a statewide impact. While organizations outside the Muncie/East Central Indiana area are welcome to apply for support, please be aware that funding for organizations outside this footprint is rare.
What are your grant priorities?
Ball Brothers Foundation supports six broad subject areas: arts, culture, and humanities; education; environment; health; human services; and public society benefit. Ball Brothers Foundation prefers to support efforts that strengthen an organization’s effectiveness, offer innovative approaches to traditional and emerging community needs, or launch new projects, programs, or initiatives. Currently, our specific interests include initiatives addressing downtown stabilization and renewal, early childhood education, emergency management, environmental recreation and preservation, and workforce development.
As part of our grant-making deliberations, we honor past priorities, support timely projects, and actively seek to identify future initiatives.
What does Ball Brothers Foundation not support?
Ball Brothers Foundation does not provide funds for individuals, scholarships, booster organizations, or groups located outside Indiana. We also do not support grants for services that the community-at-large should normally underwrite (e.g., roads, bus transportation, etc.), or research projects (except for philanthropic studies). All grant requests must begin with a Preliminary Application.
What is the monetary range for grant requests?
Grants typically range from $5,000 to $100,000, though requests outside this range are still accepted for review.
How do I apply for a grant?
All requests are submitted through our GoApply online application. We request that you speak with a member of our staff before applying for a grant. Please contact Susan Brumley to arrange a meeting.
What are the deadlines for grant requests?
We have two General Grant periods. The Preliminary Application for Round 1 is due February 15 with full proposals due on April 1. The Preliminary Application for Round 2 is July 15 with full proposals due on September 1.
Requests for Rapid Grants can be submitted between February 1 and November 30.
Do you ever make grants between the two established periods?
Yes, we accept requests for Rapid Grants between February 1 and November 30. The requested amount cannot exceed $5,000. Ball Brothers Foundation staff generally responds within one to two weeks.
Are there any other funding opportunities?
Yes. Ball Brothers Foundation annually presents two special awards—the John and Janice Fisher Governance Award and the Excellence in Teaching Award, both of which include grants for the recipients’ respective organizations.
Is there a staff member available to answer additional questions?
Yes, we encourage all applicants to speak with a staff member before applying. To schedule a time to talk to a staff person, call the office at 765-741-5500 or email Susan Brumley.