Ball Brothers Foundation Hosts 2024 Fellows Program Alumni Luncheon

The annual Ball Brothers Foundation Fellows Program began its 19th year in April. This 9-month program provides East Central Indiana nonprofit leaders and outstanding community leaders the opportunity to broaden their understanding of the foundation world. Fellows have dedicated space and time for introspection and two-way dialogue with foundation staff on issues related  to leadership in the nonprofit sector. The program runs through December each year.

In addition to monthly meetings where Fellows meet with foundation staff, the program offers books and articles to read for discussion, field trips to other foundations in the region, and the much-anticipated Fellows Alumni Luncheon.

The annual luncheon allows Fellows alumni to gather, reconnect, share ideas, start conversations, and create partnerships that often lead to new initiatives for the community. This year’s luncheon took place at the Delaware Country Club on September 5. The 2024 Fellows: Carly Acree-King of Nonprofit Support Network, and Brian Statz of Minnetrista Museum & Gardens were introduced and celebrated.

The annual Fellows Luncheon often asks guests to ponder a question, share an inspiring idea or book they’ve read, or tell a story. During this year’s luncheon, guests shared one-minute answers to the question, “What is the best personal or professional advice you’ve ever been given?”

Words of Wisdom from Our Fellows

Listed below is a sampling of answers from members of the group:

  • Think before you speak

  • You can be an introvert and be a leader

  • Listen more and talk less

  • Ask the questions

  • Never get too comfortable

  • Ego is the #1 leadership killer

  • To be successful, make others around you successful

  • Attitudes and responses have consequences

  • Simple is not always simple or the best

  • Stop trying to find a good man and be one

  • Life is what happens when you’re making other plans

  • You can fail doing what you hate; do what you love

  • You only have one life to live; don’t live it being miserable

  • Be impeccable with your word; Don’t take anything personally; Don’t make assumptions; Always do your best

Visit our website to learn more about Ball Brothers Foundation’s Fellows Program.


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